- Paperback: 216 pages
- Publisher: Thomas E. Lowe, Ltd. (2020)
- Originally published as Come, Follow Me.
- ISBN: 978-0-913926-07-9
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Discipleship and the Body of Christ
By Christopher White
A call to radical commitment to Jesus and to neglected Scriptural revelation about His church, its ministries and gifts, and the Holy Spirit’s empowerment of every Christian to an active, irreplaceable role. The author Christopher White is an evangelist and campus minister based in New York City, preaching and teaching there and in Colombia, South America. A graduate of Yale and Columbia Universities, he is a member of the Global Network of Evangelists (GNE) of the Luis Palau Association.
Reprinted under the title Discipleship and the Body of Christ. Originally published as Come, Follow Me.
The best description of the Christian life portrayed in the New Testament is that of discipleship leading to authentic, active membership in the Body of Christ. Therefore, the first part of this book describes what it means to become a disciple of Jesus. Once we become disciples, however, desiring to do God’s will and not our own, then the issue arises of finding our place in the church, Christ’s Body. But what is the church from God’s perspective?
”Christopher White’s Discipleship and the Body of Christ is God inspired and life changing. In a world full of books giving advice to Christians, this is where you want to spend your time. It is one of the best books I have read, succinctly and accurately addressing the historical drift of Christianity away from Jesus’ call to wholehearted discipleship and the basic structure of the first century church. Throughout his book, he thoroughly analyzes Scripture and history to draw conclusions. If you have ever longed for more in your church or relationship with Jesus, this book will show you how to get there.
Jeremy StoryPresident, Campus Renewal Ministries
”If you, like many, long for something deeper in your Christian experience, for a new level of community in the Body of Christ; if you wonder what the New Testament church could be like today, then this book is for you. In this call to radical commitment to our Head, Jesus, and to Body life, Chris White has given us something of great value. I deeply appreciate his unswervingly biblical approach to the Church, his reasoned, logical development, all tied together by a call to commit everything to the Lordship of Christ. There is nothing dry or difficult here: just solid explanation of New Testament ministry and devoted discipleship to Jesus. I found myself reflecting and praying often as I read, and I think you will too. I strongly recommend this work.
Dr. Mike PackeviczMissionary/Teacher in East Asia
”In Discipleship and the Body of Christ, Chris White sounds a clarion call for Christians to no longer just be believers but disciples of Christ. As one reads this meticulously researched book, one cannot help but get excited to the wonderful journey that awaits those who are willing to make the commitment to radical discipleship. If you are hungering for a more abundant life in Christ, then Discipleship and the Body of Christ promises to take you on an adventure of a lifetime into a deeper walk with Christ. This book can change your life – read it, meditate on it, and just enjoy!
Curt BlattmanAuthor of The Challenge
”Until [Christopher] pointed it out, I never saw the parallel between the Israelites having the judges over them and then wanting a king like the Gentiles, and how the church moved from the biblical model of leadership to having leaders lord their authority over them like the rulers of the Gentiles. When I read the New Testament, I also see a plurality of elders which is so different from what we see today. I was also challenged and convicted by the first half of the book regarding being fully surrendered to Christ.
Paul PaoliFounder of the Paul Paoli Band
I Discipleship
1 Believers or Disciples?
1.1 Instructed in His ways
1.2 An attitude of the heart
1.3 The cross of Christ
1.4 Called to be disciples
2 The Biblical Church
2.1 Eternal temple, beloved bride
2.2 Opposition
2.3 Restoration
3 False Prophets
3.1 According to their desires
3.2 Twice dead
3.3 Lord, grant yieldedness
4 The Call of God
Priests and kings
5 Freedom or Bondage?
5.1 The great divide
5.2 Lords or servants?
5.3 God’s word or man’s opinion?
5.4 Washed in the blood and in the word
6 Character and Community
7 Idolatry
II The Body of Christ
8 Will You Go with Jesus?
8.1 One people
8.2 The tyranny of self
9 The Blueprint in the Bible
10 Apostles
11 Prophets
12 Evangelists
13 Pastors (Shepherds)
14 Teachers
15 Elders
16 Deacons
17 Other Gifts
17.1 Healings and miracles
17.2 Helps
17.3 Administration
17.4 Varieties of tongues
17.5 Word of wisdom and word of knowledge
17.6 Faith
17.7 Prophecy
17.8 Discerning of spirits
18 Thy Will be Done
His temple, His body, His bride
19 The Bridegroom Cometh