• Softcover: 225 pages
  • Publisher: Thomas E. Lowe, Ltd. (2010)
  • ISBN: 978-0-913926-05-5

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What Every Christian Should Know About the Supernatural

By McCandlish Phillips

This book takes a reader by the hand and leads him/her step-by-step from the most basic facts toward a more advanced understanding—in an overview of the whole supernatural realm as the Bible reveals it. It deals with the subject in its vast sweep and goes into God, Christ as the incarnate Son, angels, the Holy Spirit, as well as Satan, powers of darkness, the occult, evil spirits and the antichrist. It is a who’s who and a what’s what of the unseen world. We have never seen anything like it in one volume. Especially good for young or new Christians.

Welcome to what I hope will be an adventure of discovery for you. This is a basic guidebook to the entire supernatural realm, as the Bible reveals it. What lies ahead is designed to strengthen and fortify you in your Christian life.

Here is a book for the believer who needs solid, basic, and biblically accurate knowledge of the supernatural. It starts with a broad overview of the subject in its whole sweep, and it gets down to some practical particulars. It is especially suited for the young or new believer in Christ, who needs to know the great core facts about the supernatural.

Please note that the title of this book is not “Everything that Every Christian Needs to Know About the Supernatural.” Some need to know more than others, especially ministers who deal with victims of the evil supernatural. This is a handbook for the general believer, not for the specialist.

A book of this kind would have been of immense help to me in the earlier part of my Christian walk. After hearing a message in the old Arlington Presbyterian Church in Baltimore on being “willing to go anywhere in the world and do anything that Jesus Christ has for you to do—with no holds barred,” I fully and formally gave my life to the Lord, to direct as He desired.

The Lord soon led me to New York City and into daily newspaper reporting, where I found myself in a starkly unbelieving atmosphere. I came into it knowing nothing about the facts of spiritual opposition and buffeting. As I openly bore testimony to Jesus Christ, I found that I was, indeed, “wrestling” with something mysterious and quite powerful, but it was “not against flesh and blood,” as Ephesians 6:12 says.

Had I known much sooner what I came to know, I would have been spared years of baffling trouble. It is the keen memory of that early experience that motivated me to write this book.

Christians are told, in 1 Peter 5:8, that “your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” The following verse tells us what to do about it: “Resist him, standing firm in the faith…”

The first law of intelligent spiritual warfare and effective resistance to evil is—know your enemy. Know who he is, what he is about, how he works, and how he can be overcome.

To use a crude but clear illustration, believers do not need to fear the supernatural any more than they would fear electricity, but they do need to understand it, respect it, and approach it lawfully.

Electricity confers vast benefits, but ignore or break the rules governing it and it can be harmful and deadly dangerous. The same is true of the supernatural.

Christians cannot afford to be naïve or ill-informed about this aspect of reality. From the Scriptures we can learn the open secrets of becoming, as we are told to do, as “wise as serpents, and harmless as doves” (Matthew 10:16, KJV).

I hope you enjoy reading the chapters and gain definite help in your life with Christ, for yourself and for those you love, as you turn the pages.

McCandlish Phillips

No one who thinks there is no devil, or evil spirits, at work in the world, no heaven or hell, lives in reality—even when realism lies at the heart of his intention. That person lives in partial reality, limited to what he sees and understands naturally—so he is not able to handle the total situation in which he actually dwells.

For believers, the foremost essential is to know, to love, and obey your Commander. The second is to know your enemy—who he is, what he intends, and how he and his agents, evil spirits, operate. As a believer, you won’t be Left Behind—but you do have to deal with the devil until you’re taken. Here’s how—by a man who knows.

The author, McCandlish Phillips, became famous as a star reporter and writer at The New York Times. He kept a Bible on top of his desk in that high pressured newsroom as a statement of what he believes, and Who he belongs to. 225 pages, softcover.

Table of Contents
To the Reader
The Chariots of Israel: More than Meets the Eye
The Door That Can Never Be Opened Again
The Impenetrable Order
He Comes as Wind
Testing Prophets and Dreamers of Dreams
Journey into the Supernatural: Knowing What Is
The Invisible God: “I AM”
The Invisible God Made Visible
Satan: The Name Means “Adversary”
The Author of Idolatry
Taking Sober Measure
Battle for Allegiance
The Origin of Satan
The Angels of the Dragon
Acts of Power and Love: Setting Victims Free
Legion: A Trophy of Grace
King Saul Consults a Medium
Mysticism, Mediums, Witchcraft, and Magic
Spirit, Soul, Body—Knowing Yourself
Reality, “Reality,” and REALITY
Natural to Supernatural—Glimpses of the Wider Picture
Guarding the Endowment
Getting to the Nitty-Gritty
Openings to Liberty and Joy
Drugs and the Supernatural
God, Government, and the Supernatural
Peace by Conquest